Presented by David Urbach, MD at the SAGES 2014 Meeting; Panel – Career Development Symposium
how to write a paper–1:43
general advice–3:57
work from an outline–4:50
IMRAD order–5:53
start with the methods–6:23
Keyword(s): 3 paragraph introduction, 5-part discussion, abbreviations, abstract, acronyms, active voice, American Journal of Surgical Pathology, American Journal of Transplantation, angle, Annals of Surgical Oncology, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, background, ballpark, bare bones structure, British Journal of Surgery, Career Development Symposium, characteristics, citations, comments, concept, conclusion, confidence intervals, copy editing, creative writing, CV, data, data dense, descriptive & informative titles, discuss, discussions, document, EJVES, Endoscopy, estimated, exhibit, explanatory, feedback, figures, first draft, footnotes, forest plots, format, formula, front matter, general advice, grammar, headings, IMRAD order, information-poor, information-rich, informative, interesting title, interpretation, interpretive, introduction, JACS, JAMA, JBJS, JET, journal impact factors, Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Journal of Vascular Surgery, JSLS, justify, key aspects, key highlights, knowledge gap, Langenbecks Archives of Surgery, limitations, lit review, Liver Transplantation, main message, methods, Nature, Neurosurgery, neutral title, Obesity Surgery, objective, one thought, outline, outline structure, p-value, p-values, paragraph, percentage, pie charts, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, population, poster, problem, proportion, quantitative knowledge, quick short paper, reality check, references, research, results, sample size, scientfic papers, scientific exhibits, scientific manuscript, section, Shock, short sentences, simple histograms, simple language, specialty journals, specified tx effect, statistician, story, study design, study subjects, style, subheadings, summarize, supervisor, Surgery, Surgery for Obesity & Related Diseases, Surgical Endoscopy, surgical research resources, survival curves, synthesize, table annotations, tables, template, The Lancet, title, translate, Transplant International, Transplantation, understandable in isolation, value statements, website, Wound Repair & Regeneration