The lesser of two evils: Dealing with complications after laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy
Presented by Guillaume S Chevrollier at the SS03: Biliary Session during the SAGES 2018 Annual Meeting.
V026 Laparoscopic Resection of a Brunner’s Gland Hamartoma of the Duodenum
V026 LAPAROSCOPIC RESECTION OF A BRUNNER’S GLAND HAMARTOMA OF THE DUODENUM Konrad Sarosiek, MD John Stem, MD, Francesco Palazzo, MD, Michael Pucci, MD; Thomas Jefferson University Hospital pt data–6 sec CT–26 sec Brunner gland hamartoma–4:27 hospital course–4:54 Keyword(s): Brunner gland hamartoma, duodenum, Endostitch, EUS, GI bleeding, H. Pylori, Harmonic scalpel, lap resection, leak test, pyloroplasty, […]
Laparoscopic Resection of a Brunner’s Gland Hamartoma of the Duodenum
LAPAROSCOPIC RESECTION OF A BRUNNER’S GLAND HAMARTOMA OF THE DUODENUM Konrad Sarosiek, MD ohn Stem, MD, Francesco Palazzo, MD, Michael Pucci, MD pt data–41 sec CT–1:13 operation–2:03 trocar placement–2:26 procedural video–2:51 hospital course–7:10 Brunner gland hamartoma–7:25 Q&A session–8:40 Keyword(s): anemia, Brunner gland hamartoma, duodenum, EUS, FNA, GIB, lap resection, upper endoscopy