Laparoscopy is slowly becoming an established technique for liver resection. This procedure still is limited to centers with experience in both hepatic and laparoscopic surgery. Preliminary reports include mainly minor resections for benign liver conditions or hand assisted resections and show some advantage in terms of postoperative recovery. The authors present their video with laparoscopic liver resection, in a right, totally laparoscopic, resection.
A 29 year-old woman presenting a right hepatic mass of 12X10cm occupying the right hepatic lobe was submitted to a totally laparoscopic right hepatectomy. Surgery was uneventful with no complications, following the plane of the inferior cava vein as described by Belghiti and colleagues. Duration time was 5 hours. Post-operative recovery was uneventful and the patient was discharged in the 4th PO day. Pathologic study confirmed a hepatic adenoma.
The case result confirms that laparoscopic liver resection, including major hepatectomies, can be safely performed by laparoscopy, when performed by skilled surgeons.
Session: Podium Presentation
Program Number: V012